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Greg Sweeney - Pilot & National Geographic Photographer

PPG South Africa

October 24th to 31st  

Leave USA on 23rd October Arrive South Africa 24th October

PPG and Safari along Kruger

Leave South Africa 31st October Arrive USA 1st November

Trip includes:


Ground Transportation

XC Chase Vehicles


Kruger Safari

Big Five Game Drive


PPG Shipping 


PPG & Safari South Africa 2010

$3,200 *


Just think, you could see lion, leopard, buffalo, elephant, rhino and other wild animals from above while flying your PPG and from an open safari vehicle near and in the largest National Park in the word - Kruger National Park!





Preliminary Itinerary:

23rd October Leave USA (JFK airport)
24th October  (7am) Arrive Johannesburg South Africa, Group pick up at Johannesburg airport
24th October morning Transport by private bus up to Tzaneen South Africa (about 5 hours) to Satvik Lodge (
24th October PM Assemble and test PPG equipment, afternoon PPG flight, Happy Hour, evening meal
October 25th Full day of flying around Tzaneen airport and St. George valley
October 26th Breakfast, Start cross country flight from Satvik airfield, to bush lodge to be announced, lunch, check into bush lodge, Happy Hour, evening meal
October 27th Breakfast, fly mountain range to top of mountain to old air force base - refuel - lunch - fly as a group through class C airspace to Bona Ntaba Tree House Lodge ( Happy Hour, evening meal
October 28th Breakfast, day in Kruger National Park in Open safari vehicle, lunch on own, Happy Hour, evening meal
October 29th Breakfast, Big five game drive, Lunch, afternoon flying, Happy Hour, Dinner
October 30th Breakfast, morning and afternoon flying, lunch, break down PPG gear, box up, Happy Hour, evening meal
October 31st Breakfast, depart lodge for Johannesburg airport

Kruger Maps

 ** Must book by July 30th! - Must have 8 attendees minimum **

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